复制/etc/rc.local 到镜像的对应目录,否则第一次启动根目录可能会100%,导致无法正常启动。
Posts made by george
RE: 尝试制作 alpine 3.20.2 镜像
RE: Coolpi 4b 镜像固件离线刷机方法
几款机器上午都上传了最新的基于6.1内核的ubuntu24.04镜像,欢迎试用,有问题可以在社区反馈,谢谢支持。 -
RE: Coolpi 4b 镜像固件离线刷机方法
正常这种现象是没有正确识别到SD卡的boot分区,建议SD卡格式化一次,然后再重新制作。SD卡要用比较好的质量的,拼多多上面十几块钱的不能用。 -
RE: lxc-checkconfig fail in latest kernel 6.1
@berkaroad said in lxc-checkconfig fail in latest kernel 6.1:
LXC related configurations can be self enabled in the kernel.
RE: 6.1 Kernel Notebook Image Release
The system is already automatically uploading OneDrive, please confirm later. -
RE: 请问Coolpi 4b支持deepin v23 arm64吗
@王猛龙 目前4B 32G内存缺货,只有笔记本可以支持32G内存,dewpin理论可以支持。参考论坛制作文件系统的帖子。
TF卡正常没有容量限制,仅和文件系统相关。 -
RE: 6.1 Kernel Notebook Image Release
Resolve audio issues with the 6.1 kernelsudo tar -zxvf rk3588-es8316.tar.gz -C /usr/share/alsa/ucm2/Rockchip/
6.1 Kernel Notebook Image Release
- Customize the kernel using 6.1.75
- NPU driver updated to 0.9.7
- Support rkmpp video hardware decoding, with a maximum resolution of 8KP60
- Delete default username and password, register upon startup
- GPU driver defaults to using Panfrost
- Customize the kernel using 6.1.75
RE: 有没有新的内置npu驱动为0.9.6的ubuntu镜像
If using a CM5-NOTEBOOK machine, there is currently a 6.1 kernel available, and the NPU driver is the latest version that can run RKLLM applications. The address is as follows:
RE: Headphone Jack
The 3.5mm headphone jack has output and MIC functions. -
RE: 为什么我的ubuntu系统很多基础指令都找不到阿
我们提供的是纯净版,基础的一些包可以自己用命令安装,比如gitsudo apt-get install git
RE: 为什么ubuntu在终端进行apt-get update更新的时候有很多忽略开头的文件,无法全部更新
这个大概率是源服务器问题,可以换其它源试试。 -
RE: 为什么cat value后显示0,实际测量电压为3.3V
具体操作的是哪个GPIO,截图出来看一下,这种控制不到的问题大概率是这个口没有工作在gpio模式。 -
RE: Step by step creation of Coolpi image files
At present, the mainline kernel is stuck in the edp driver. Due to significant changes in the display framework, the workload of porting is huge. The mainline kernel can be used in subsequent updates. -
RE: Step by step creation of Coolpi image files
Refer to the following link to compile and install.
https://github.com/coolpi-george/panfork.git -
Step by step creation of Coolpi image files
The partitioning situation of the Coolpi image file is as follow
- The first partition has a size of 512M and a partition format of fat32, used to store boot- files. The default boot mode is extLinux.
- The second partition is the file system, with different sizes depending on the distribution. The partition format is ext4. The label of the partition is writable, which needs to be consistent with the configuration information under extLinux.
- The file of the boot partition is shown in the following figure, which you can access through/ The build kernel. sh command compiles the coolpi kernel, and then the files in the out directory need to be copied to the boot partition.
- The content is as follows extlinux.conf,Pay special attention to the loading method of the file system, which is searched through label (writable). Of course, it can also be modified to UUID or other types.
default Linux coolpi label Linux coolpi kernel /Image initrd /initrd.img fdt /rk3588-cpcm5-notebook-v20.dtb append root=LABEL=writable rw rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyS0,115200n81 quiet splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles vt.global_cursor_default=1 irqchip.gicv3_pseudo_nmi=0 net.ifnames=0
Start creating a mirror image
- Create an 8GB img file using the following command. Then partition and format.
LOOP_NUMBER=$(losetup -f) dd if=/dev/zero of=./coolpi.img bs=1M count=8192 printf 'n\np\n1\n32768\n1081343\nn\np\n2\n1081344\n16777215\nw\n' | fdisk ./coolpi.img partx -a -v ./coolpi.img mkfs.vfat $LOOP_NUMBER"p1" echo 'yes\n' | mkfs.ext4 $LOOP_NUMBER"p2" e2label $LOOP_NUMBER"p2" writable
- Copy files to boot partition,kernel-dir is the file directory corresponding to the Coolpi kernel.
mkdir ./mnt mount $LOOP_NUMBER"p1" ./mnt cp kernel-dir/out/* ./mnt -r umount ./mnt
- Create a file system, Add rc.local file to automatically expand partitions and configure some system node permissions.
wget https://mirrors.aliyun.com/archlinuxarm/os/ArchLinuxARM-aarch64-latest.tar.gz mkdir ./archlinux tar -zxvf ArchLinuxARM-aarch64-latest.tar.gz -C ./archlinux/ mount $LOOP_NUMBER"p2" ./mnt cp -rf ./archlinux/* ./mnt/ tar -zxvf kernel-dir/out/modules.tar.gz -C ./mnt/lib/ cp ./rc.local ./mnt/etc/ umount ./mnt e2fsck -p -f $LOOP_NUMBER"p2" resize2fs -M $LOOP_NUMBER"p2" losetup -D $LOOP_NUMBER
RE: GenBook-RK3588 Crowdfunding projects
目前的大容量电池厂家给的最小起订量是3K,交期要2个月,认证还要45天。众筹的这个来不及上大容量电池了。只能后续作为配件再升级了。 -
RE: Alternative Boot Options for CM5 V10?
@yusuf-tmp said in Alternative Boot Options for CM5 V10?:
I have been using a USB drive to boot for a while now. I noticied that if I flashed a M.2 drive with an image ad tried to boot it it would not boot, is there anyway I could get the M.2 Drive as my boot drive?
At present, uboot does not support nvme boot, so if you want to implement booting through M2, you need to first improve the uboot driver.