
Thanks for your reply and insight. As for the thickness of the shell, i actually think that is a positive point, the thick shell makes it very well suited for people like me (ict-manager) I feels like it will travel well: The sturdiness, passive cooling, power efficiency and having a large battery is just what i need.
As for the RTL driver slowing boot time, thanks for the info. If i used the AX200 instead i probably wouldn't have known about it.

If i where to put my finger in something, (im being really nit-picky now) The charger has an awkward shape (43mm wide). Asus has a nice 12v 3A charger (36mm wide) with the correct 4.0x1.7 plug. Just ordered an off-brand variant for 25$ (inc. shipping and vat)


Having used it for about a week now, there is very little that i would change about the laptop itself, (Optional back-lit keyboard maybe?)
When kernel support hits mainline, I think the CM5 laptop will become interesting to a wider group of people.