We are looking forward to your work and can provide technical support.
Thank you!
RE: DIY Tablet
RE: Cool Pi ARM Notebook Preview
https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=769972910823&ns=1&pisk=geXbTQxh5q0b5baGZZqyR5x3Bvv65uyElctOxGHqXKpvW_sh5ErgiK5W5aQWkxr0iCL1oKdGgF825dsGRuzULJScmdv88yyFYmcgnpcxDn3w24K6CnebU7rAmdvT80kTTJscJJMnfrx92utwbn3OWhL8eUxwWfQ9kQ3JAHv9BrL2wl1OCGRDHKdyBG8lnq4xMha58HcV7KY9qzsdjslMsrKTanxvgE8mnFHkrhGx6IHtwLKDAmptHhe8eHKZDnptBQLJrhp9WNpTVLh754taGhIbcP7ev0Me4iLSBABYIITBvfksCsxvGOIvPgSPFnOXRQ7OETXAzGBVnQV-NdjPON1OJzl2k6tCPB5bRx_CohI6XZwnAUBffTOcaDDOVCTfwtdSXAIXEFdd1ZajiECVPBxJwcwH4w8RmtC7j4IA8E9v2QyLAgdOatAh3zHXp6j231QLzj8AOhIrsv8QMjhsVBD6Ver7Vfcif-ByL_w0G6RvqneUVugSsIKkVer7VfcMM3xATuZSPff..&priceTId=2147864117368238436881813eaab5&skuId=5340285281741&spm=a21n57.1.hoverItem.1&utparam={"aplus_abtest"%3A"3a39d1f4fb9e1d7bf8927ec6e59f0413"}&xxc=ad_ztc -
RE: CoolPi 4B OV5647 摄像头图片全黑
使用QV4L2测试一下节点,确实是否可以正常获取图像,除了型号以外,不同的sensor镜头也会对图像产生影响。 -
RE: Tried to update the boot loader
This firmware is fine, you can try again a few times. If it still doesn't work, follow the following steps:
1.Remove the back cover of the machine. There is a button on the motherboard near the SSD connector。
2.Press the button, then press the power button on the laptop to turn it on, and the machine will enter maskrom mode.
3.Burn in the firmware again using the previous method. -
RE: Cool Pi Cm5-Laptop Linux Quick Start Guide
Usually caused by incorrect recognition of file system partitions, pay attention to checking the cmdline. -
RE: Tried to update the boot loader
Upgrade the loader using the attachment compressed file as shown in the following figure.
RKDevTool_v3.13_for_window_1.17.113.rar -
RE: 使用u盘装了coolpi 4b的镜像固件,如何进入桌面
镜像写入U盘以后,默认就会从U盘启动,你可以去掉EMMC和TF卡模块,机器就会正常进入桌面。 -
RE: COOLPI CM5-EVB fried my laptop
The CM5-EVB board typec interface is only used as a power supply interface and does not need to be connected to a computer normally. And the normal TYPEC input interface has at least 20V OVP function. I don't know why the laptop motherboard is damaged?
The interface for downloading CM5-EVB images is USB 3.0. Please refer to the following document for operation. Thank you for your support.