@george when i sett the power button to suspend mode and press it, it reboots the board it doesnt actually suspend it. tried changing the systemd sleep file as well with the same results in every case. I think its sufficient to say that currently it does not actually support suspend mode. at least not ubuntu. have you tried any of the other images?
is there a available kernel with hibernate mode enabled to allow for faster booting?
if no, Can someone build a kernel with power management enabled via swap partition or swap file? Is it possible to put the cool pi 4b into suspend or hibernate mode?
@zensation The latest kernel currently supports sleep mode. Please describe the specific operating scenarios required.
@george is the new kernel used in the ubuntu 23.04 image? I have tried the ubuntu 22.04 image and the 23.04 image but when i run $ cat /sys/power/state it returns "freeze mem" not "freeze mem disk" indicating that theres no kernel level support for actually saving the ram swap to the disk to reboot from.
@zensation At present, when the machine enters suspend mode, all power supplies in the system will be turned off, and only the memory self refresh function will be retained. Currently, there is no support for exporting the memory data you described to the hard drive.
@george when i sett the power button to suspend mode and press it, it reboots the board it doesnt actually suspend it. tried changing the systemd sleep file as well with the same results in every case. I think its sufficient to say that currently it does not actually support suspend mode. at least not ubuntu. have you tried any of the other images?
@zensation The latest images can support suspend operations, including ubuntu. Are you using CP4 or CM5
@george im on cp4b. any tips on making it work? since the power button just reboots even though i have it set to suspend function.
@zensation I will confirm the CP4 machine and reply to you with the results later.
@george thanks!
@george also can you test on the latest ubuntu 22.04 release as well? The software im developing is having issues on ubuntu 23.04 but works well on 22.04
I tested the latest image of ubuntu22.04 and did not find the problem you described. As shown in the following figure, the PWR button is configured as suspend. The first press to enter sleep can be seen from the log information, and the second press to wake up the system.
@george that is very strange ive been chasing the issue for last 12 hours. mine definitely doesnt act that way. i have the 20230424 ubuntu image....i also see ive downloaded the 20230306 image. i cant say which is running on the micro sd card though. does the 20230306 behave the same way?
The firmware I tested is the latest version 20230613, and you can check if there is a problem with your power adapter causing the reboot. -
@george ok so i just figured something out. I removed my power supply hat that i have on my pi so i could connect my serial terminal pins and get you a log, and behold the suspend function works when i powered it on with the usb c port. so seems that for some reason supplying power through the gpio pins for some reason wont let me use the suspend function.