Apr 21, 2023, 8:30 AM

About Batocera.linux

Batocera.linux is an open-source and completely free retro-gaming distribution that can be copied to a USB stick or an SD card with the aim of turning any computer/nano computer into a gaming console during a game or permanently. Batocera.linux does not require any modification on your computer. Note that you must own the games you play in order to comply with the law.





kodi to batocera.jpg

$ ssh root@BATOCERA.local
root@batocera.local's password: linux

      ____    __   ____  _____  ___  ____  ____    __   
     (  _ \  /__\ (_  _)(  _  )/ __)( ___)(  _ \  /__\  
      ) _ < /(__)\  )(   )(_)(( (__  )__)  )   / /(__)\ 
     (____/(__)(__)(__) (_____)\___)(____)(_)\_)(__)(__)
                 R E A D Y   T O   R E T R O

-- type 'batocera-check-updates' to check for stable branch --
-- add 'beta' switch to check for latest arch developments  --

Disk format: ext4
Temperature: 40°C
Architecture: coolpi-4b
Model: RK3588S_CoolPi_4B_Board
System: Linux 5.10.110
Available memory: 3200/3902 MB
Cpu model: Rockchip RK3588(S) CoolPi
Cpu number: 8
Cpu frequency: 1800/2352 MHz
OS version: 36 2023/03/10 14:19

[root@BATOCERA /userdata/system]#