@nathan thanks for your explanasion. I decide to use kernel 6.1 with latest mesa.
6.1 Kernel GPU firmware update
@george Thanks for info,I'll try it out now.
@george 我换到了 6.1 内核,就是git 最新版编译的。
也注释掉了 rc.local 里面的内容,不过依然没有声音。后来我在 alsamixer 里看了看,把什么 left headphone mix 和 right headphone mix 之类的 unmute ,声音就回来了。
Yes, it will work just fine. Panfork is what is preinstalled on the 24.04 LTS image (where the 5.10 BSP kernel is also shipped). Before trying the 6.1 LTS kernel with Panthor, I upgraded my system and it automatically installed newer Mesa, which consequently replaced the Mesa containing Panfork (which broke GPU acceleration before I switched to Linux 6.1 LTS with Panthor + newer Mesa).
I'm using Panthor on the Linux 6.1 LTS kernel with a constantly updating Mesa as indicated by my other post right now for GPU acceleration, so I do not use Panfork.
If you want to continue to use the 5.10 BSP kernel, you will need to continue using the Mesa that has Panfork. Unless someone updates the Mesa from the original PPA so that it survives system upgrades, for now at least, in order for it to survive a system upgrade, you will need to either pin the Mesa release version using an 'apt' package release pin preferences file or spoof the versions of the packages yourself and install them to the system so that 'apt' does not try to download and install the regular, newer Mesa from the Ubuntu repos.
Panfork has not been updated in a very long time. To my knowledge, Panfork is an abandoned project. There is no newer Mesa available with the Panfork hacks applied to it and Panfork is not a fully upstream-friendly project. TLDR: Anyone who is using Panfork is also using an older Mesa version and no one seems to be interested in applying the Panfork hacks to a newer Mesa release at the moment.
Question, is it a known issue for suspend to break when running the 6.1 LTS kernel or is there a change needed to be made in the software? I have noticed that once the screen goes blank for awhile, the power light does not turn off, and the laptop is completely unresponsive to any kind of input given (including pressing the power button). It seems like it does not like to wake up from suspend when running the newer kernel.
So far the only solution has been to force the system to perform a hard shutdown by holding the power button for a few seconds and then powering the laptop back on.
@nathan thanks for your explanasion. I decide to use kernel 6.1 with latest mesa.
@nathan I'm using the kernel 6.1 compiled from coolpi github .
No issues with suspend. -
Strange, I'm using the same exact kernel on my CoolPi CM v20 laptop. The 5.10 BSP kernel did not give me this issue. Did you end up getting the speaker audio working correctly? I haven't been able to get it working on my laptop.
@nathan yeah. speaker and headphone jack working now.
First you have to compile latest version of kernel 6.1 from coolpi.
And commet out some alsa related in /etc/rc.local
Then boot into system. type alsamixer in terminal. F6 to select sound card.
Use " M" key to unmute left headphone mix and right headphone mix something like that.
Then speaker is working.
After a certain update, video acceleration broke. So I decided to update to 6.1
gpu acceleration
sudo dmesg | grep panthor
create folder before copy
sudo cp /usr/lib/firmware/mali_csffw.bin /usr/lib/firmware/arm/mali/arch10.8/It's fix for sound thanks!
Comment out some alsa related in /etc/rc.local
Then boot into system. type alsamixer in terminal. F6 to select sound card.
Use " M" key to unmute left headphone mix and right headphone mix something like that. System is slow, because there is no hardware acceleartion.And disabled this service wirh errors
sudo systemctl disable qrtr-ns
@nathan said in 6.1 Kernel GPU firmware update:
before I switched to Linux 6.1 LTS with Panthor + newer Mesa).
Do you have mali acceleartion in OS?
The mali_csffw.bin path corresponding to the Panthor driver needs to be modified. The dmesg information will show the new loading path, and copying it on the system will enable GPU acceleration. -
Thans! It is working!gpu acceleration
sudo dmesg | grep panthor
create folder before copy
sudo cp /usr/lib/firmware/mali_csffw.bin /usr/lib/firmware/arm/mali/arch10.8/ -
目前看来好像 coolpi 官方是想要尽快把设备支持推到主线内核里,包括 panthor 的支持,但是我又看到有种声音是说 panthor 的性能不如那个 panfork
而且很多人为了追求 panfork 的 gpu 性能也是搞出了 kernel 6.1 + panfork 的,比如
https://cool-pi.com/topic/588/bredos-for-the-cool-pi-4b所以这个 panfork 的性能真的差距那么大吗?panthor 我目前用感觉还好,不过还没抽空测试游戏什么的。
stock ubuntu, linux kernel 5.1 - 2000fps (panfork ??)
debian testing, linux kernel 6.1 - 1000fps (panthor ??)
software - 150 fps (cpu ??)With any GPU acceleration it's good.
Performance it's a second problem, first is - OpenGL ES 3.1
Good apps want open GL 4.5, example is blender or xonotic game. -
The efficiency of the Panthor driver is currently lower, and we look forward to future updates. - topic:timeago_later,26 days
@plumlis 请问你更换的什么网卡,我也想换,不知道会不会有什么障碍
@yfblock intel ax201
- topic:timeago_later,3 months
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